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Supported by
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
WPI Branch
In Association with
Women in Mechanical and Materials Engineering (WMME) at WPI
Currently Funded Students
Lydia Ellen Tonani
Conference: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023 (https://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2023/)

Abstract: For many years, space organizations have studied, planned, and prepared for a crewed mission to Mars. Although scientists have found water on Mars as frozen brine and water ice, the absence of an abundant potable water supply is a fundamental obstacle to crew survival. The Mars Phoenix Lander found evidence of permafrost only a few cm below the regolith surface and found that perchlorate was five times more abundant than chloride. Therefore, this project aimed to develop a water treatment method that converts frozen perchlorate brine into potable water. I selected progressive freeze concentration as the water purification method to achieve this goal and designed a prototype capable of sustaining the process in Mars’s conditions. Experiments used a one-molal magnesium perchlorate starting solution, and all experiments successfully produced a treated product of reduced salt concentration along with a residual brine of elevated salt concentration.
Emily Austin
Conference: ASME’s International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE) 2023 (https://event.asme.org/IMECE-2023)

Abstract: To provide an open-source, 3D printed humanoid robot that can be recreated for supply managers or engineers looking for a lab assistant.
Lauren Faulkner
Conference: SAE Aero Design East 2024 (https://www.sae.org/attend/student-events/sae-aero-design-east)

Abstract: The Wings of Gompei team competed in the SAE Aero Design East Competition for the 2024 season. The team designed, built, and tested a remote control airplane based on intensive research into aircraft function and design. Our plane’s development included a variety of trade-offs and optimization steps based on the goals and limitations of the competition.
Sarah Fenton
Conference: TMS 2024 Annual Meeting & Exhibition (https://www.tms.org/TMS2024/TMS2024/Default.aspx)

Abstract: Cold spray is a process by which solid metal powders are accelerated at supersonic velocities towards a substrate. On impact, these powders deposit and form a coating, but metal powders hard enough to prove useful as a coating often erode the substrate at deposition velocity. To solve this problem, we can use electroplating, an electrolytic process, to coat the metal powder in a more ductile outer layer before cold spray. This method has been used to deposit Nickel on Praxair CNC-410-1 (Cr-Ni-C powder) and Copper on Tungsten powder. Development is focused towards producing higher quality plated powders in larger batches, and on the production of novel materials pairings.
Ellie Sherman
Conference: AIAA Region 1 Student Conference (https://www.aiaa.org/events-learning/event/2024/04/12/default-calendar/2024-region-i-student-conference)

Abstract: This paper presents the design of a 12U Gravimetry CubeSat. Gravimetry Satellites carry sensors that measure gravitational readings over ice caps to map geophysical characteristics and help study climate change. CubeSats provide a cost-effective way to carry on the work of previous gravimetry missions. This 10-year mission uses two satellites at inclinations of 91 and 103 degrees to ensure global coverage. Orbital design was performed using Systems Tool Kit (STK®). A Gradiometer was developed with six high-precision accelerometers. Mechanical design was conducted in SolidWorks and Ansys. An Attitude Determination and Control System alongside an on-board computer and communications system was designed. Power generation, electric propulsion, thermal, and radiation effects were analyzed in STK®. The Polar-Orbiting Gravimetry CubeSat (POGSat) was designed to provide complete global mapping of the Earth’s gravity field every three weeks, with a mission duration of 10 years, a marked improvement from previous gravimetry missions such as GOCE.
Caitlyn Harrington
Conference: Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (https://event.asme.org/MSEC)

Abstract: Complex internal channels enable optimization of thermal and fluid transfer efficiency, weight reduction, and minimization of material waste in the tooling and aerospace industries [1]. As examples shown in Fig. 1, conformal cooling channels for injection molds (Fig. 1a), fabricated by metal additive manufacturing (MAM), may reduce cooling time by up to 70% [2]; MAM tapered fuel channels within jet engine nozzles (Fig. 1b) can increase fuel delivery efficiency by 15% [3]; internal cooling channels within gas power turbine blades, manufactured by loose-wax casting or shaped tube electrochemical machining (Fig. 1c), allow elevated inlet temperature for enhanced engine efficiency [4].These complex internal channels often need improvement in surface finishing and geometric tolerance. As-built MAM channels have average surface roughness (Sa) ranging from 10 to 30 μm with maximum peak to valley heights (Sz) of more than 150 μm [5]. This high surface roughness negatively affects the fatigue life, corrosion resistance, and dimensional tolerance [6]. The turbine blade cooling channel needs surface finishing before aluminide coating for heat resistance. Polishing these complex channels, characterized by small internal diameters (ID) (1-5 mm), high aspect ratios (>20:1), high tortuosity, and varied diameters and geometries is challenging. Existing internal polishing methods for complex channels include abrasive flow machining [7], magnetic abrasive finishing [8], chemical polishing [9], and electrochemical polishing [10]. • Abrasive flow machining (AFM) [7], shown in Fig. 2(a), is a loose abrasive process that forces a slurry with 50- 80% abrasives in volume through the channel with a pressure up to 7.0 MPa. The flowing abrasives scratch the channel wall for material removal and surface finishing. For complex channels with an internal diameter less than 5 mm, an aspect ratio greater than 40:1, or tapered or curved geometry, however, this process may suffer from a fluid pressure drop of nearly 50%, leading to low efficiency and poor uniformity. • Magnetic abrasive polishing (MAF) [8], shown in Fig. 2(c), drives abrasives through internal channels via a controlled magnetic field. It requires precise positioning of magnetic poles at a set distance from the internal surface of the workpiece to achieve controllable and uniform surface finishing, which is often not feasible in large onepiece constructions like turbine blades. Chemical polishing (CP) [9], shown in Fig. 2(d), etches and levels the channel inner surface via chemical reaction with a specific solution. It is not limited by channel geometries and can achieve high material removal rate. However, the control of chemical etching for uniform, precise material removal is challenging. • Electrochemical (ECP) [10], shown in Fig. 2(e), polishing applies direct current to the workpiece immersed in the electrolyte to produce selective anodic dissolution to reduce the microroughness of the metal surface. It is not suitable for non-metallic materials and challenged by electrode positioning through complex channels. As summarized in Table 1, none of the existing internal polishing methods can efficiently polish complex channels with uniform surface finishing improvement while maintaining dimensional integrity. Based this review, we identify the following key requirements for uniform, adaptable and controllable, internal polishing of these complex internal channels:
Maeve Sousa
Conference: Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (https://event.asme.org/MSEC)

Abstract:Complex internal channels enable optimization of thermal and fluid transfer efficiency, weight reduction, and minimization of material waste in the tooling and aerospace industries. Conformal cooling channels for injection molds fabricated by metal additive manufacturing (MAM), may reduce cooling time by up to 70%. MAM tapered fuel channels within jet engine nozzles can increase fuel delivery efficiency by 15%. These complex internal channels often need improvement in surface finishing and geometric tolerance. As-built MAM channels have average surface roughness (Sa) ranging from 10 to 30 μm with maximum peak to valley heights (Sz) of more than 150 μm. This high surface roughness negatively affects the fatigue life, corrosion resistance, and dimensional tolerance. The turbine blade cooling channel needs surface finishing before aluminide coating for heat resistance. Polishing these complex channels, characterized by small internal diameters (ID) (1-5 mm), high aspect ratios (>20:1), high tortuosity, and varied diameters and geometries is challenging.